Infants and Toddlers

Your Infant’s eating and sleeping schedule is individualized, set up by you. Toddlers have a daily routine which is followed and gives children a sense of security and promotes a possible relationship between the teacher and your child. Lesson plans are done weekly, which include experiences to develop their large & small motor skills, language and social/emotional skills. Daily activities in both the Infant and Toddler rooms include: playing with toys, dabbing in art, imitating and pretending, reading stories, sensory exploration, music & movement and going outside.

What we provide - Parents Choice w/Iron Formula, baby cereal, fruit and vegetable baby food, wipes and cot sheets. When your child first starts eating table food, you can pick from our menu what you would like your child to eat, until all food items are okay to be served your child.

Discipline - With infants and toddlers, we use redirection or distraction to get a child involved in another activity. We give praise and acknowledgement to a child when acceptable behaviors are demonstrated and we use facial expressions and voice tone with our words when a child’s behavior is inappropriate. (i.e. hitting, biting or throwing food).

Daily notes - Daily notes are filled out by the teachers so you know exactly what your child ate, when he/she slept, when diapers were changed along with letting you know other activities or experiences your child did.

Contact Us

Address: 136 Scott Station Rd. Jefferson City, MO 65109
Phone – Center: 573-893-4469
Phone – Nena (H): 573-896-9069
Phone – Nena (C): 573-291-6212
: LCCDC FaceBook Page
: LCCDC Google Plus Page